Daily Routine
Our school is open for 33 hours, 45 minutes each week.
- 8.45 School gates open
- 8.45-8.50 Morning challenge for all pupils
- 8.50 Registration for all children (all children in by this time)
- 10:30 – 10.45 KS2 Morning break
- 10:45 – 11.00 KS1 and Reception class Morning break
- 12:00 -1.00 Lunch (Reception, KS1 eat first, followed by KS2)
School meals are provided by the Farm Kitchen, menus are available online to download and select your child’s menu choice.
ALL children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 can eat Lunch for free – this is highly recommended due to the quality and nutritional value of the meals we give to the children.
- 1:00 Pupils return to class
- 2.05-2.20 KS1 and Reception class Afternoon break
- 3:25 End of school day for Reception and KS1
- 3:30 End of school day for KS2 children and start of clubs
We offer a range of clubs for children to learn beyond the curriculum. Most of these are free, though some are provided by external organisations that charge on a termly or half-termly basis.